Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are illnesses caused by infections in the upper respiratory tract including nose, sinuses, pharynx, or larynx. These cause throat, tonsillitis,sinusitis, otitis media, and the common cold, etc. There are two types of upper respiratory tract infections i.e. viral and bacterial. Improved diagnostic tests are being developed to identify and control URTIs.
Efforts to prevent and treat URTIs have led to the development of highly-multiplexed molecular respiratory pathogen panels (RPPs). These panels test the viral and bacterial agents of the upper respiratory tract infections. Devansh Lab also has a comprehensive qPCR-based RPP which screens 20 targets in a single test for the URTIs. This single test can help identify common viruses as well as mixed infections. Quick and accurate results allow healthcare providers to treat upper respiratory tract infections and contain them.