Anemia is a condition in which there is not enough iron in your body to make red blood cells. These red blood cells make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to various body tissues. Anemia is primarily caused by iron deficiency.
Pile on the other hand is an anorectal disorder in which the blood vessels swell and become inflamed in or around the anal region.
You must be wondering whether there is any connection between anemia and piles. In this blog, we will discuss the link between hemorrhoids and anemia followed by signs and symptoms of anemia in piles patients.
The Relationship between Piles and Anemia
Piles can be one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal bleeding. This may occur outside or within the rectum.
Iron deficiency or anemia can be brought on by ulcers, polyps, or piles, among other medical conditions. Non-cancerous conditions like these and cancers of the stomach, colon, rectum, and anus can cause bleeding in the lower part of the body. Although it is uncommon, piles can occasionally result in severe anemia. Pile-caused rectal bleeding can result in significant blood loss from the body.
At the point when heaps or hemorrhoids have arrived at a phase where there is dying, it prompts blood loss which can bring about anemia. Any grade of piles can result in bleeding, and if it occurs on a daily basis, it may eventually result in anemia.
Iron-deficiency anemia can occur when bleeding piles result in a significant loss of blood from the rectal area. A few people may also stop eating enough after seeing blood on their motion. They lose weight and develop nutritional anemia as a result of this lack of nutrition.
Symptoms of anemia when you have piles
- Fatigue or tiredness
- General weakness that makes it hard to do the things you need to do every day
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- When you strain during a bowel movement, people with severe piles can easily experience bleeding in the stool at the beginning or end.
- Stool passing pain in the anal or rectum region.
- Even if you strain, you may bleed easily in addition to experiencing pain and itchiness in the anal region.
- Dyspnea (shortness of breath) and swelling of the lower limbs are the worst-case outcomes
Other conditions that can lead to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diarrhea, cancer of the rectum or colon, and fissures.
Case study
Here’s the case study of a 41-year-old man with severe iron deficiency anemia due to bleeding caused by internal hemorrhoids (piles).
Endoscopic examination of the upper and large intestines revealed no abnormalities other than a significant drop in serum iron and ferritin. He was therefore diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia as a result of persistent internal hemorrhoid bleeding. Although the extent of hemoglobin level of 1.7g/dl, in this case, is extremely rare and noteworthy, the doctors stated that iron-deficiency anemia caused by hemorrhoids is not uncommon.
Is there a treatment for anemia?
Although taking supplements such as iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid tablets can stop the bleeding, the anemia may still persist. Iron tablets can occasionally cause constipation and a change in stool color, and some people may not feel comfortable taking them for months. A treatment plan that only includes treatment for anemia may not be sufficient if they already have anemia because they may end up aggravating it.
In this way, seeking treatment for both piles and anemia is the right approach. It is similar to dealing with the root cause. In this case, piles is the root cause of anemia. Hence, it’s high time to stop the bleeding once and for all.
In parallel, consult a piles specialist as well to determine how to stop the bleeding.
Contact a doctor right away if you think you may have iron deficiency anemia due to piles. Only a single blood test or a series of blood tests can diagnose iron deficiency anemia. The complete blood count, or CBC, is the test your doctor will use to check your body’s levels of hemoglobin. Contact DLW right away to schedule a blood test. In a nutshell, get treated for both piles and anemia so that you lead a normal life over a period of time.